Friday, June 10, 2011

Grande Vent(!) Please!!!

Seriously, there are people in this world I just do not like.  This is so unpopular, but I have to just word vomit and get this out here in the blogosphere.  I know better than this, I was raised better than this.  I should really let it go, and not waste perfectly good English words on such nonsense.  I am so sick and so tired of people placing themselves on high horses and pretending their sh!t and their horse's sh!t don't stink.  {I am already feeling 56 times better thankyouverymuch!}
It just drives me mad.  I know I make mistakes, and I'm certain their are people who might say at one point I could be described as the aforementioned.  My social awkwardness and/or shyness can sometimes be interpreted as having no interest in others because of a superiority complex, but in reality it is farther from the truth.  
The specific subject(s) of this post are more along the lines of appalling behavior.  If I could only just say how I feel in real life/world, but I suffer from the same syndrome Meg Ryan struggles with in "You've Got Mail", before she meets "NYC152" at the coffee shop, I can never get my "zingers" straight.  
{"...Instead of a heart, a cash register...."  Are you kidding me?  That is possibly the best zinger ever!}
Side track has ended.  You know what else equates nails on chalk board for me, the "I-invented-the-wheel" complex.  People that parade around with "new discoveries" in technology, design, deals from Target, whatever it is, that you know yourself or several others may have mentioned at least like maybe, I don't know a ZILLION times before!!!  This seems so negative.  I'm really not, things are going well.

The Highlights of Summer Break Currently Include:
-Baby M and I were both patted down by a lovely TSA agent at the Pittsburgh Airport.
-Visiting Aunt Helen in Sugarcreek
-My overuse of "/" in this blog post
-Sleeping in and watching Word World (something the Dept. of Ed has done RIGHT!  Thank you!) and Sesame Street with my sweet boy in the mornings.
-Strangers telling me I looked cute (if you know me, you know this is HUGE because fashion is not my thing, I typically dress like a slob and put my mother to shame, she raised me better and still encourages me to buy/wear age appropriate, correctly fitting, fashionable clothing)
- Baby M playing Patti-Cake!!!!
-Boot Camp- because I remembered that I do have ab muscles- somewhere in there!
-Knowing for sure next year I am going to have more time at home with my little man.
-My many (I've been off two weeks and many seriously covers it) adventures with my funny husband, boy, and family.

On the topic of Grande- McDonalds has the best Cappuccino, maybe it's the price, maybe it's flavor, it's better than any other designer coffee out there.

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