Monday, November 14, 2011

Giving Thanks

On facebook I've been writing every day what I am thankful for.  I wondered what I should write for today.  I'm really stumped, and I don't want to write I'm thankful for the NetFlix App on my iPad so I can watch my favorite episodes of The Office whenever I want.  I think I will eventually, you know, write that, but I know I haven't run out of real things to be thankful for.

Yesterday I went to church.  I saw what looked like funeral flowers around the alter, and I assumed they were for Veteran's Day.  As mass started, the priest explained that later a vigil for Carlo Eugenio, who made the greatest sacrifice while serving overseas, would be held in the church.  You can find a little more about Carlo here:

Daily Bulletin article about Carlo Eugenio

Well, during mass my little man mistakenly thought it was party time, and although he lasted almost halfway through the mass, we had to take a walk outside.  As we turned toward the front of the church, I saw the hurst, and the honor guard.  The lump in my throat grew.  As we climbed up the stairs to the front of the church (to re-try mass), I saw Carlo's picture.  I think it's something about seeing someone's face, it makes them more than a name.  It hit me, Carlo wasn't just a name, a news story.  I know he was at EHS alumn and a member of my community, but dang.  That's someone's best friend.  That's someone's nephew.  That's someone's brother.  That's someone's son, someone's baby boy.

No mother or father should ever have to bury their child.  That's just not how the world should work.  And to die at war.  There are no words, at least none I can articulate at the moment.

The article above states and my family said today they saw fire trucks, police cars, firemen, policemen, community members, neighbors, etc. standing on the overpasses saluting as the funeral procession traveled along the freeway as it made it's way from the church to the cemetery.  He was only 29.

So tonight I am thankful for you Carlo.  I am thankful for you and your family.  I am thankful for your service to our country and I am forever indebted to you for the sacrifice you have made, so that I can wake up and go to work in peace, so that I can rock my baby to sleep each night, so we can go to the beach, and the park, and on vacations, and not live in a constant state of fear or worry.  So my family can travel safely four hours down the state to come to Thanksgiving, so I can go to the store and buy whatever the hell I want, I don't have to worry about a ration or quality of food that I put in my child's tummy.  Freedom isn't free. Courage isn't the absence of fear, it is acting in spite of it.  Thank you thank you thank you.  to every single individual, who volunteered, dreamed of, was drafted, signed up for our military.  Every single person who thought it was worth it.  Everyone who knew what could happen, but did it anyway, because they had a dream, or wanted to be part of something bigger than themselves, or believed so much in the American dream.  Whatever the reason, it's because of YOU it is possible.

Thank you to our service men and woman.  Thank you to their mothers, fathers, wives, children, aunts, uncles, friends, and relatives, for raising fine people, for supporting them, for being strong for them.

If anyone reads this, please say a prayer or have a moment to reflect on this young man.  Please pray for peace and comfort for his family.  And please pray for all of our servicemen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Curve Balls

Tonight our little family of four (fur baby included!) headed to a local baseball game.  The company was friendly and furry as it was Bark in the Park.  Baby M had a lovely time looking at all the dogs and answering with "Wow-wow" when asked "What does the doggy say?"  Don't worry, I also explained the game to Matthew and kept him updated on runs, errors, and different plays.  After M's second meltdown, we called it a night and left the game.  We had a fun time and Brooklynne loved seeing, sniffing, and licking the other dogs.

At this baseball game, one of the coaches became upset with a call and began yelling at the umpire.  It got me thinking to all the curve balls that have been thrown my way and how many "umpires" I've yelled at because of it.  Let me be honest, the challenges I've faced in my life are fairly minor, but challenges none the less, and I suppose it's all relative.  I just think to a few years ago when I was in college and so uncertain about what the future would bring.  I could have never predicted that I would be here, with both the bad and good that life has thrown my way.  It just amazes me.  It makes me realize that even though I have a picture of what the next five years might look like, it's probably not going to be anything like what I imagine.  The thing that I am beginning to realize is that despite the curve balls, there's always a positive outcome, no matter who teeny tiny it is.   For example, tonight after the coach yelled at the blue, the crowd started clapping (i don't know why), but it caused baby M to start clapping and squeal with delight.  He didn't know why the crowd was clapping, but it inspired him to clap, thus look and act extremely adorable.  I know that might seem like a stretch to have a positive outcome, but it's going to be a goal of mine.  I'm going to try my hardest to find the good in every situation, have a better attitude.  So, when I get another curve ball, I'll be ready, with a smile.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Here comes the sun

What a summer.  That sounds past tense, but there is still more left of the season.  We've practically been all over, except maybe the south.  While we had the time and money we traveled.  I'm so glad.  I know M is still a baby and won't remember much, but it's still fun to show him the world.  When he was born, a good friend of mine sent us a congratulatory card in which she had written, "Enjoy seeing the world through Matthew's eyes."  That's been the best part of summer.  It has been the best part of every single day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Grande Vent(!) Please!!!

Seriously, there are people in this world I just do not like.  This is so unpopular, but I have to just word vomit and get this out here in the blogosphere.  I know better than this, I was raised better than this.  I should really let it go, and not waste perfectly good English words on such nonsense.  I am so sick and so tired of people placing themselves on high horses and pretending their sh!t and their horse's sh!t don't stink.  {I am already feeling 56 times better thankyouverymuch!}
It just drives me mad.  I know I make mistakes, and I'm certain their are people who might say at one point I could be described as the aforementioned.  My social awkwardness and/or shyness can sometimes be interpreted as having no interest in others because of a superiority complex, but in reality it is farther from the truth.  
The specific subject(s) of this post are more along the lines of appalling behavior.  If I could only just say how I feel in real life/world, but I suffer from the same syndrome Meg Ryan struggles with in "You've Got Mail", before she meets "NYC152" at the coffee shop, I can never get my "zingers" straight.  
{"...Instead of a heart, a cash register...."  Are you kidding me?  That is possibly the best zinger ever!}
Side track has ended.  You know what else equates nails on chalk board for me, the "I-invented-the-wheel" complex.  People that parade around with "new discoveries" in technology, design, deals from Target, whatever it is, that you know yourself or several others may have mentioned at least like maybe, I don't know a ZILLION times before!!!  This seems so negative.  I'm really not, things are going well.

The Highlights of Summer Break Currently Include:
-Baby M and I were both patted down by a lovely TSA agent at the Pittsburgh Airport.
-Visiting Aunt Helen in Sugarcreek
-My overuse of "/" in this blog post
-Sleeping in and watching Word World (something the Dept. of Ed has done RIGHT!  Thank you!) and Sesame Street with my sweet boy in the mornings.
-Strangers telling me I looked cute (if you know me, you know this is HUGE because fashion is not my thing, I typically dress like a slob and put my mother to shame, she raised me better and still encourages me to buy/wear age appropriate, correctly fitting, fashionable clothing)
- Baby M playing Patti-Cake!!!!
-Boot Camp- because I remembered that I do have ab muscles- somewhere in there!
-Knowing for sure next year I am going to have more time at home with my little man.
-My many (I've been off two weeks and many seriously covers it) adventures with my funny husband, boy, and family.

On the topic of Grande- McDonalds has the best Cappuccino, maybe it's the price, maybe it's flavor, it's better than any other designer coffee out there.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summa Time

Pour the lemonade and get out the red checkered table cloth because it is my summer time.

I am so looking forward to this time with my baby boy.  I think back to past summers off and I think what the heck did I do.  One summer I remember I watched A LOT of tv.  I watched every ghost show there ever was and then enjoyed the movies "Gods and Generals" three times.  And the other civil war movies that is like "Gods and Generals"  only once.  "Gods and Generals" was by far my favorite.  I also baked.  I made a homemade apple pie, with a homemade lattice top crust.  I also made a pecan bundt cake that summer.  Boy, I thought I was so "busy".  Now, I really want to play and sleep.  As if I'm in middle school again.

Play and sleep.

 Just that I have the option to take a nap when/if baby takes a nap is nice!  I can't wait to see what new things the baby will learn and discover this summer and I will be there for the whole thing.  I love that little man.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


What?  I have completely abandoned ship here.  Too much is going on too quickly and when the free time at night comes, I have serious decisions to make, do I a.) go to sleep, b.) catch an episode of The Office on instant Netflix, or d.) Blog.  The obvious choice is b.
The baby is up, so I guess it's d.) none of the above.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 25-Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

1.  "A Horse with No Name" -America
2."Fergalicious" -Fergie
3. "Let's Get Away From It All" -Sinatra
4. "Amazed" - Lonestar
5.  "All You Need is Love" -The Beatles
6.  "Do You Wanna Dance?" -The Beach Boys
7.  "The Break-Up Song" -American Hi-Fi
8.  "Satellite" -Anna Nalick
9.  "Famous People" -Brad Paisley
10.  "Everything" -Alanis Morissette

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 24-Something you've learned

I've learned a lot of things in the past year.  I've been faced with some trials that are difficult and difficult when they happen altogether, such as being pregnant, getting laid off, and finishing a master's degree.  From that great experience I learned patience and trust.  
I had some complications in the pregnancy and even though I worried, I knew I had to give it up to God.  Lots of people say that ("give it up to God") and to be honest, it used to really bother me.  I thought, "Oh yeah, that's it, just pass on the problem to God, don't use your brain He will solve it all."  Actually, what people should say is give your worry up to God.  So I gave up my worry, BUT I prepared, I used my brain and I prepared.  I asked the doctor's lots of question and was persistent in the care of myself and Matthew.  My friend told me that our kids are God's children and he picks us to raise them here on earth, however that may be and with whatever challenges come with it.  I learned to trust. 
This past year I also realized how short and precious life is.  Every day people pass, but the passing of two special souls really touched me.  I'd rather not get into details, but I realize that miracles happen everyday, even in ways you might not expect them.  God provides laughter even in times of sadness.  And to cherish every moment, as if it were your last.  I know that sounds cliche, and it is, but it's true. 
Something else I have learned through my profession and especially being a parent is I am still LEARNING. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 23-Favorite vacation

Here's where ya'll will start to think I am weird.  Or, if you thought I was weird, this will only confirm it.  Here is a list of my favorite places to vacation:

Gettysburg, Pa
Yellowstone National Park
Washington D.C.
Sugarcreek, Oh
Vero Beach, Fl
Fresno, Ca
Coronado, Ca

Yes, they are in particular order, my most favorite to just plain favorite.

Okay I just deleted a whole explanation as to why I like Gettysburg.  To sum it up: these places are appealing because of historical significance, family, and tranquility.

The end.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 22-Favorite city

How about favorite town?  Okay then.  Sugarcreek, Ohio.

I like to say I'm a city suburbs girl.  I think I probably am, but the idea of living in a town like Sugarcreek is enchanting.  My dad's aunt lives there and we try to visit once a year.  It's a place where you know everybody and it's so "small town", the big news of the decade was when they got a McDonalds.  When we're there visiting, we go somewhere, like say, the local restaurant, and the hostess will say, "You must be Helen's family."  Why yes we are, how did you know?  Well, seriously, you don't say the latter because they will usually start asking about California, since they already know we're from California.  It's fine we say, we don't want to tell them what a dump it has truly become.  Side track.

I think the whole shoveling snow and below freezing temperatures in the winter thing in a place like Sugarcreek might get to me, because I really enjoy the warm California weather we have (although lately it feels anything less than warm- but that's a 60 degrees mind you!).  What's in Sugarcreek you're probably wondering.  I will tell you.  Amish, farms, a "downtown" area with crafty shops and the like, a glorious restaurant called Dutch Valley where they serve my favorite peanut butter pie, and of course, also in Sugarcreek is my lovely lovely Aunt Helen (who I think puts illicit drugs in her homemade cookies because they are so addicting and delicious.... I'M JUST KIDDING NO SHE DOESN'T THEY ARE JUST REALLY REALLY GOOD!)

When we usually make our way to the small town, it is summer, or spring.  The weather is beautiful and the sun is shining.  In the summer the sun is out until 10 pm.  They sell fireworks before the 4th of July in a neighboring town, but you have to swear you are going out of state to shoot them or fire them or whatever it is you do with fireworks, because it's illegal there to shoot them off, so we buy them and swear, and then Aunt Helen let's us shoot them off in her driveway.  She watches, ready with the hose in case something goes wrong.  So far, we have a good record.

We are going again to Sugarcreek very soon and I cannot wait.  Matthew will love watching the Amish buggies go by, and we will have to take him to the auction barn to see the livestock.  I'll probably get him a little Amish boy straw hat.  We will sit with Aunt Helen while she crotches and watches the Indians play, and parade around town and show him off to the locals, which I will love, what mom doesn't love to show off her kidlet?  Perhaps he will wave at one of those passing buggies.

Sugarcreek always reminds me of the simple life.  It's not what you own, who you wear, or what you drive, it's about love and relationships and people.  It's really all that simple.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 20-Nicknames

I don't have any nicknames.  I like it that way.  My name can't really be shortened to something else, and honestly I wouldn't want it to be.  I am happy with my name- thanks Mom and Dad! <3

Day 19-Something you miss

Purple Days at Caryn Elementary.

Life was simple and fun.  Waking up Friday mornings, tired from a night of studying for spelling, mad minute math, and states tests.  Ready for assemblies, honor roll and student of the month awards.  Grabbing my Caryn Cougar t-shirt and mom tying a purple ribbon in my hair- I was ready for Purple Day.  At recess, a sea of kids in purple tees cover the hard court; ball wall, basketball, and Chinese jump rope.   Just carefree.

Purple Days were that extraordinary, yet ordinary thing that was a big part of such a simple life.

Day 18-Something you regret

Something.  One thing I regret.

I regret making a quick big decision.  That's all I'll say.  I have learned a lot.  I've learned to research and take it slow when making a big decision.

Day 17-Something you're looking forward to

I am looking forward to several things.

Dumping this challenge, and just blogging about normal things. 

Matthew growing and learning, he is so fun to watch.  He just learned how to wave, it's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Breaks from work.

Warm weather.

Vacation in Sugarcreek.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 16-Dream house

I live in it.  Seriously, I am happy in my home and don't think I would want anything different.  Except maybe a wrap around porch, but it wouldn't fit the style of my house.  Okay, okay, here you go...

How beautiful is that?  All it needs is a dog or two on the front porch!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 15-Bible verse

Behold God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid... Therefore with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of salvation."

-Isaiah 12:2-3

This one has been a guiding light to me for many many years. As a Christian, it speaks volumes to me.  It answers every question I have about life, death, worries, and what-ifs.  It is applicable to every situation.
I am so worried about there being a giant earthquake in SoCal....
Answer: I will trust and not be afraid.  Don't worry about it, this verse speaks, God has it under control, don't waste your time worrying about it.

What is going to happen with my job???
Answer: God is my salvation.  God will be there for you.  Your job is not the end all be all of this life.  Nor is your house, your car, your credit, or your Uggs.  You will not have these worldly possessions, but you will have God.  Always.

What happens if I just trust God, give it up to him, and my situation goes down hill???
Answer: with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.  In eternal life, you will be rewarded for your faithfulness.  Don't sweat the small stuff, with faith and good works, you will rejoice in salvation with the Lord.

Although, I often share my faith, I don't too often speak of my personal relationship with God.  I'll read the Bible, and I kept to myself.  So a post like this is very different for me to do.  Anyways, it felt good.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 13-Goals

I want to be a good mom.  

I want to balance my career and being a mom.  Sometimes, I want to give up the career and just be a mom, but financially that is not a possibility right now.  So, I'm going to "downsize" my career for now, and have more time with my baby.  Eventually I want to put my masters to use and advance in my career.  That will be way in the future though, when I am ready to put more time into the career portion of my life.

Honestly, I can't think of anymore goals.  I mean there are several things I want to do in life, but I wouldn't call them goals.  I think before I had my baby, I had a lot of goals, like running a marathon or whatever, but now, my goals revolve around my role as a mom.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 12-What you believe

I believe a lot of things.
First and foremost, I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  I believe He is the Son of God and died on the cross for our sins and salvation.
I believe that everything is grey and nothing is black and white.
I believe in looking up information on your own, reading details and researching information, not just following CNN or Fox News.
I believe that smarts are useless if there is no work ethic.
I believe there is good in most people.
I believe that we are all connected in one way or another.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 11-Favorite TV shows

It's tomorrow already!

I LOVE TV!  It's such a waste of time, but I truly enjoy watching tv.  I don't get to watch much of it anymore.  My favorite show of all time is "Friends", even though it's over, I still enjoy the reruns.  I have all the seasons on DVD, but I am considering getting rid of them, since four channels run reruns every single day.

Currently, I am loving Southland.  It's raw.  And, I don't know why, but I have thing for guys in uniform.  ;)

Can you even do emoticons in a blog?  I just did.

Some honorable mentions include:
Seinfeld, The Office, Soup, The Dish, a few of the "Real Housewives of...", and Jeopardy!

Day 10-Something you're afraid of


I used to be afraid of being shot or bit/eaten by a shark.  Those might seem like some pretty off-the-wall things to be afraid of, but I was.  I would see a story on the news where one of these things happened to someone, and I would think,  "I hope that doesn't happen to me."

Now that I'm a parent, my fears have multiplied.  If you're a parent, then you know what I'm afraid of.  We're all afraid of the same thing.  We want our children to be untouched by anything negative, by anything that can harm them.  From burps to bullies to colds.  And anything and everything else there is.  I'm being honest, and I don't want to be.  I want to be funny and witty in this post, but I just can't.

FDR said "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself."  I always wonder when someone gives a speech and says something like this, do they know ahead of time that their words will be quoted and repeated throughout history.  Did Roosevelt have any idea that this simple sentence would have such a lasting impression, and be twisted and turned in so ways, to be applicable to many different situations?

Thanks FDR, because this quote is liberating to me.  I try hard not to waste my time on my fears.  I try.  I think if we live in fear, we miss out on life.  And I don't want to miss anything.

My next post HAS to be witty.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was at Target the other day cruising for some shorts.  Since I was pregnant last year, I haven't worn my summer clothes in two years.  I'm pretty certain that my summer clothes may fit, but are definitely out of style.  Well let me tell you about the kind of shorts Target is carrying these days; short and skimpy and small, I can't wear them for several reasons, the  biggest one being that I have underwear bigger than the actual short itself.
I wondered "who the hell wears these?"  Oh yeah, people and they SHOULDN'T.  The butt hanging out, the thigh jiggles, the chaffing, oh the horror.  Even teeny tiny girls can't pull these shorts off.  Listen Target, listen Fashion. nobody looks in stuff like this.  Stop making it, stop selling.  Ladies, please leave somethings to the imagination.
Actually, I don't even want to imagine it.  at. all.

Day 9-A picture of your friends

Here are all of my friends at the beach!

Ah just kidding.  Going through my photos on my computer, the only pictures I have with my friends are from our wedding or include something I don't want to post (ie: weird faces, bad hair, dancing no one should ever be subjected to).  Since I graduated to being a grown up, I typically don't take too many pictures of my friends and I hanging out to post on myspace later on.  I just bombard facebook with pictures of my baby. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 8-A place you've traveled to

I have been to a lot of places, but this one has been on my mind a lot.  Yellowstone.

 I like going to Yellowstone because it's calming.  Now, I'm not a nature girl.  I hate hiking and being outdoors and flies, but I like being in a car or cabin enjoying nature with a safe distance or barrier from the elements.  This is why I like Yellowstone.  I can see things people only see on National Geographic Channel or Animal Planet. For instance, one year we saw a grizzly bear, black bear, coyotes, wolves, and other scavengers fight over the feast of a dead buffalo.  Granted it was a distance away, but I did see it.  The grizzly got on his hind legs and swiped the black bear who fought as equally hard.  Like something out of Sarah Palin's Alaska, but we could call this Alisa's (and also thousands of other visitors) Vacation to Yellowstone. 
If you stay in Yellowstone, the accommodations are very simple.  Cabins and rooms have a bed, some furniture, some actually have a private bathroom and that's it.  Now TV, no internet.  I love it.  It's quiet at night, like for reals quiet.  Not with a car in the distance or a neighbor's dog barking.  QUIET.  Dark, as well.  So dark, that one year we went and stayed out at the Lake Hotel after dark, this meant we had to drive back to our cabin in the next village in the pitch black night.  No street lights, because it's a national park.  So, we drove back, I was so nervous.  In the forests off the road I could see eyes.  Lots of them.  I worried something would run out onto the road and we would get into an accident.  When I wasn't worrying I noticed how insanely beautiful the night sky was.  The stars are amazing.
Another reason I love Yellowstone is the simpleness.  It's a simple visit there.  It's a simple life there (not in the winter!).  It humbles me.  When I look at the plains, mountains, and waterfalls I feel like I'm looking at God's country.
And this big beauty I love to visit is a ticking time bomb for a massive volcanic eruption!  Nice addition, right?  Well, we are going there again this summer, I can't wait!

Thank you John Muir, for being a naturalist, and getting this conservation started!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 7-Favorite movies

I define my favorite movies as film I could watch repeatedly and never grow tired of.

"Gone with the Wind" is one of my most favorite movies.  Scarlet is like the original she- bad-ass.  A little dramatic, but she gets the job done, for the most part, until she pretty much blows it with her antics at the end.  Even a guy like Ret can only take so much.  Ret Butler, *not* Clark Gable, okay fine a little but Clark Gable is... ::swoon::.  Wow, what a hunk.  "You should be kissed, and often, my someone who knows how."  I love the fact that Scarlet is so stubborn.  She doesn't take no for an answer and she has a temper.  Show me someone who doesn't have a temper and I'll show you a liar.  If I could write out in words the score for this movie, I would it is playing in my head.  Every year my mom and I sit down and watch this movie in it's entirety.  One day I will tackle the book.  I've also been to one of the homes the Clark Gable lived in.  It's filled with Gone with the Wind memorabilia and is advertised as the home he was born in, but it's not true, he just lived there as a baby or small child, I can't actually remember.  It's in Pennsylvania *EDIT: Cadiz, Ohio* if you want to go!  (Don't ask me for directions for anything, because I don't know where anything is!)

"Toy Story" 1 & 2.  Although I liked 3, Toy Story 2 is my very favorite, because Bullseye is in it!  Am I six?  No, I am not.  I just think these movies are adorable.  Tonight, Toy Story 3 won an Oscar, and even though I saw the Academy Awards, I can't remember for what or who was accepting the award, but I do remember he said something about the film being about talking toys who have something human to say.  That pinpointed why I liked the movie so much.  

Judge if you must, but I like "Knocked Up".  Actors are funny, writing is funny.  A little slapstick, sarcasm, and some real life humor.  Plus, I just had a baby, so I think it's funny.

Last, but  certainly not least "You've Got Mail" is one of my most favorite movies.  I can recite almost any line.  That's not why it's my favorite though.  I love it because it tells a "simple" love story of two "strangers"/business enemies, Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly, who initially meet online, in a chat room, during the days of dial up.  In real life they are business enemies, but online they are intrigued with each other.  Online they reveal no details of their personal lives, so they do not and cannot know that shopgirl is Kathleen and ny152 is Joe.  It's witty and cute and simple and involves my favorite things, coffee, books, cute New York apartments, a dog, Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, and Ballerina Shoes.

Unforgettable lines: 
"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95*, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino. "

*Here, the coffee price has the same effect on me that gas prices do in movies.  One that stands out is Jurassic Park 2, when they're in San Diego driving around with the baby T-Rex in the back of the convertible.  The gas prices are significantly low, it depresses me more than a child's dog being eaten by the mama T-Rex.*

and to close...

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy

I'm doing Day 6 before I put on my night cap.

Day 5- Siblings

I'm all off on the days here, but what the heck, it's MY blog so MY rules right?  Right.

Siblings.  I have one brother.  My baby brother.  Baby as in entering his almost maybe but not quite mid 20's in a few weeks here.

I remember several things about when he was born, but not exactly him.  I remember him being a baby at home and him laughing and rolling around.  I was like, four, and I would play this game with him where I acted like I was going to roll him up into a ball and I would say, of course, "I'm going to roll you up into a ball" and he would laugh and laugh.  A good, big belly laugh.
At some point in our childhood he realized he didn't have to listen to me.  Things went down hill for us, but quickly picked up when I realized he had a sense of humor.  He is really funny.  David is one of the few people that can make me laugh when terrible things are happening around me.  Like when I am feeling sad he will say something so comforting like, "Do you know you're the only one crying?"  Or when I am sick, "It's all in your head, get over it."

Sarcasm aside, his sarcasm makes me laugh.  He's the one who inspired me to start the blog to begin with.  I said "I'm going to start a blog" and he replied "no one will read it".  I set out to prove him right, which is why I only have TWO followers!

David has the unique ability to tell people like it is while making you laugh.  Which is good, because sometimes you need people in your life to be honest with you and you also need compassion.  He's got compassion.

Let's get more serious.  I had surgery when I was 15, it was an emergency, and I don't want to get into details, but my brother was there for me.  I could tell he was really worried about me.  He was only ten or eleven at the time.  He was there before they took me back and shortly after I woke up.  At home, because it was extremely difficult for me to sit up, walk, etc. he helped bring me food, water, and just basically helped take care of me.

When baby M was born he was up for 24 hours.  He worked a morning shift and then came to the hospital multiple times, giving his sleep to see his nephew.  He was one of the first people besides Wade and myself to hold baby M.  David helped us with baby M too, staying up with us late into the night, early in the morning to help, keep us company, and tell jokes.  

He is loving.  He tells Wade that he is the brother he never had, and he means it.

David is a hard worker.  He sets a goal and is determined to meet it.  He balances his work with fun.  He balances everything with humor.  Love you David.  You're the best brother and friend I could ask for.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 4-Your parents

My parentals!
These guys are so freaking awesome.  I'm not sure where to start.  What if I just tell you some crazy stories about my parents to tell you how freaking awesome they are.  And let's see how many times I can use the word "freaking"!

I could tell you about how my mom came with us to the hospital when I had baby M, even though I was being induced.  She slept in a chair, not a rocking chair, like a chair chair from about 2am-7am the day baby M was born.  I wasn't even in labor, I hadn't had any pitocin.  She was just there for support.
My dad was on-call that day, for us.  He brought my husband every meal so he didn't have to eat that nasty hospital food.

My dad has the funniest sense of humor.  And by funny, I mean probably offensive to most of the human race, but it's still funny.  When I was a kid, a telemarketer called and he asked them if they would please hold.  He put the phone in the garage and left it there.  Another time, while vacationing in Florida, where my dad grew up, we drove by a building that had half of a boat hanging out of it, as if a boat had crashed through the building.  My dad told us that he crashed the boat into the building.  I took a picture and brought it to school when I was Star of the Week to share with my class.  Well, sometime in my teens I came across that picture only to find the building was like a boat warehouse or something.  I totally believed my dad.  When I told him this story, he laughed.

My parents are the best grandparents to baby M.  They are always supportive and encouraging.  I'm sure sometimes they are thinking we are rookies at this whole parenthood thing, but they don't make us feel like it.  They're super helpful.

My dad used to always take us on bike rides around the neighborhood growing up.  I remember several weekends included riding our bikes as a family to Coco's for breakfast.  Again, so fun.

At the beach, my mom taught me everything I know about the ocean.  How to swim in it, avoid big scary waves, navigate a rip tide, how to not be scared when you can't feel the bottom or when you feel a fish swim nearby.

Growing up, my dad traveled a lot, but he would make these crazy schedule changes to make it home in time for our activities, like competitions, games, etc.  Anything important to us, he was there.

Right before I turned 18 (we're talking like weeks before) my parents asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday.  I told them that honestly I would just love to go to Yellowstone.  We went there on vacation a lot when I was a kid.  When I said that, I was dreaming.  There was no way we could just drop everything and go on vacation, that took time, money, and planning.  Seriously, I was dreaming.  Well guess what, we went to Yellowstone!  It snowed in the most northern part of the park on my birthday and I thought that was hilarious since my birthday is in late August.  It was so fun.  But do you see how awesome my parents are?

My parents are crazy awesome.  They are seriously the type of people that will give you the shirt off of their backs.  They're selfless and loving and funny.  My parents are great examples of parents, I hope we can be half as good as they are.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 3-Your first love

So I am WAY behind on this, but I will let myself slack on blogging- NOT other stuff, like the baby, the house, work, etc.

My first love.

Well, you're not going to hear about previous flames, call me old fashioned or boring, either one, I don't care.  I don't think it's appropriate.  So what I will tell you about are my babies.  Because I love them.  A lot.

My furbaby, Brooklyn, we got when she was a puppy in September of 2009.  They didn't know how old she was, but she had to be between eight and 12 weeks.  She was in a foster home with her litter and the man caring for them, bless his heart, had a dump of a place.  There was excrement all over the backyard, his property was falling to pieces and Brooklyn, whose name was Autumn then, was clean, and healthy for the most part, but her ears were scabbed from the flies and her litter mates chomping at her ears.  She was clearly the runt.  When we walked into the backyard, the litter was interested, but Brooklyn was the most excited.  She came bounding towards all of us (my parents were there with us).  She rolled on her back in submission and peed all at once.  I knew then we were taking her home.  We played with all of puppies, but B already had my heart.  She wanted to play, but mostly she wanted to jump into our arms.  We signed a paper, wrote a check, and Wade scooped her up and we took her home.

Baby M.  Wow.  Can anyone even describe a mother's love for their child?  Everyone told me when I had my baby, it would be a moment that changed my life.  I figured I would cry.  I didn't, I laughed.  I was laughing so much toward the very very end, that I stopped pushing and the nurses had to tell me to stop laughing and keep pushing. They put him on my chest and he whimpered.  He didn't really cry too much, and he shook a bit.  I felt for him, because I knew he was cold.  I smiled, starring at him.  I was thinking, "so that was you in there all this time".  No symphonies played, no extreme sobs or tears of joy.  Smiles, laughter and the feeling of being whole overwhelmed me.  We were a family.  My husband, myself and my son.

That my friends, was my first true love; my family.

This is sooo sappy, can I just add for humorous purposes that after Matthew was wheeled to the nursery the first thing out of my mouth was "When can I eat???!?!".  The turkey sandwich I later devoured was so close to love.  Close, but no cigar.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name

The title is from the song, "The Only Living Boy in New York" by Simon and Garfunkel.  I have always liked that song, since I heard it in "Garden State", 2004.  I know the song dates back way further than 2004, but that's when I first heard it.  I'm not sure about what the whole song means or is about, and truthfully I don't really care. ha.  I like the carefree feeling of lyrics like my blog title or "I get the news I need on the weather report", and getting "your plane ride on" makes me think of going on vacation, and I always feel carefree on vacation.

Currently I am also enjoying hearing bits of the song on a car commercial.  I am not sure which one, because I just hear it- since I hardly ever watch TV anymore.  We should cancel cable.

Lastly, "here I am" from my actual blog address comes from the song, if you cared to know. Like I said I really like the song!

EDIT: I guess I do care what the song is about and I just looked it up and I am thoroughly disappointed. It will still not ruin the song for me!

Day 1: Introduce, 15 facts, new picture

okay so this is the blog challenge (introduce: check!)

15 facts:

1.  I don't know what the hell I'm doing on here- I'm so lost- like explorers before compasses.  I might fall off of the ocean and into the abyss.
2.  I love learning: I read/study American History for fun.
3.  I totally miss Dr. Laura on the air!  Who else is going to tell idiot people like it is on my three minute drive home from work?!
4.  I have a goal to go to all 50 states.
5.  My husband & I dated for .1039247120 seconds before we got married.
6.  My baby cracks me up with his babble.
7.  Coke Slurpees are my favorite!
8.  I am done done done with school.  I got my Masters and I am for. reals. done.
9.  I am a worrier.
10.  I hate shopping- no, I hate trying on clothes and aimless shopping.
11.  I do not like to sit around at home doing nothing.  I want to get out and see.... stuff!
12.  I've known one other person in my whole life, with my same first name.
13.  Once I learned Spanish, English (grammar) made sense.
14.  I have a bleeding heart for kiddos and animals.
15.  I love my baby boy!

Here goes my first shot at a picture in a blog post:
Before the crazy rain storm came- the weather was beautiful!!!  Brooklyn was enjoying the warm sunshine last weekend.  Here she is dreaming about coming in and chewing all of the baby's toys while they were out.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Big Blog Challenge

During my blog surf, I found this and I'm going to give it a shot!  Something to blog about for 30 days....

Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3-Your first love
Day 4-Your parents
Day 5-Your siblings
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7-Favorite movies
Day 8-A place you've traveled to
Day 9-A picture of your friends
Day 10-Something you're afraid of
Day 11-Favorite TV shows
Day 12-What you believe
Day 13-Goals
Day 14-A picture you love
Day 15-Bible verse
Day 16-Dream house
Day 17-Something you're looking forward to
Day 18-Something you regret
Day 19-Something you miss
Day 20-Nicknames
Day 21-Picture of yourself
Day 22-Favorite city
Day 23-Favorite vacation
Day 24-Something you've learned
Day 25-Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26-Picture of your family
Day 27-Pets
Day 28-Something that stresses you out
Day 29-3 Wishes
Day 30-a picture

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Business of Blogging

Okay, so, while learning about my blog and how to set it up and make it "unique" I have been introduced to a new world of.... blogging!  I had no idea there was so many blogs, so many designs, and so many businesses devoted to blogging.  In my quest for blog ideas, templates, and designs I came across several different blogs.  So many people blog about their lives; weddings, babies, pets, cooking, gardening, deaths, clothing, and BLOGS.  I actually came across a blog where the blogger's sole purpose of the blog was to ask for money.  Apparently, in this lovely economy they had suffered some hardships and had looked to blogging to collecting donations.  Well, I admired the page the blogger had set up so I clicked the link to the site that created the design.  The sites only sells their blog designs.  Wait-what?!  Nevermind, I'm not going to judge.  Maybe the design was donated or maybe that is the blogger's business right?  Right.

I feel as though that paragraph overuses the word blog and contains too many lists.  Too tired/lazy to edit.  Baby M should wake up soon and I want to get to sleep.

Before I end this post, I have a few things to say about the 2011 Grammy's, and although this is poor organization (because I should start a new post, complete with a new title about my Grammy/famous people/too much money rant)  I'm far too lazy to start a new post.  The other half of the truth is that I barely remember how I got to writing this post anyways.

While baby M napped today I got to catch some Pre-Grammy shows and.... Lady Gaga?  Lady, GAG-ME!  She came in, inside an egg, complete with people carrying the egg like she was some kind of Indian Princess.  Her "Creative Designer" participated in an interview and this clearly was not a joke, to them.  I am aware that Lady Gaga is very active in the gay community and she was making a point with her egg and being born and blah blah blah.  But, seriously, how much did all that cost?  For a performance?  I don't know, maybe it's because living an average life, I look at these crazy celebrities and famous people with their money to burn and I complete a full-length eye-roll.  Many celebrities piss their money away on the most ridiculous things, when others in this country struggle to make ends meet and put food in their mouths.  This concludes my rant.

I think I am the whitest white girl to love Eminem.  Always have.  Holla'!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

We've only just begun...

...I have no idea what I am doing or how I am doing it, regarding this blogging business.  Well, often regarding other business, but right now specifically blogging .  I need some assistance.  I need an aid.