Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was at Target the other day cruising for some shorts.  Since I was pregnant last year, I haven't worn my summer clothes in two years.  I'm pretty certain that my summer clothes may fit, but are definitely out of style.  Well let me tell you about the kind of shorts Target is carrying these days; short and skimpy and small, I can't wear them for several reasons, the  biggest one being that I have underwear bigger than the actual short itself.
I wondered "who the hell wears these?"  Oh yeah, people and they SHOULDN'T.  The butt hanging out, the thigh jiggles, the chaffing, oh the horror.  Even teeny tiny girls can't pull these shorts off.  Listen Target, listen Fashion. nobody looks in stuff like this.  Stop making it, stop selling.  Ladies, please leave somethings to the imagination.
Actually, I don't even want to imagine it.  at. all.

1 comment:

  1. You must be talking about the micro shorts that the girls are wearing. You are right, there are underwear bigger than these shorts! If you have to have a bikini wax to wear these short shorts - they are not appropriate! Well maybe as bathing suit bottoms!
