I used to be afraid of being shot or bit/eaten by a shark. Those might seem like some pretty off-the-wall things to be afraid of, but I was. I would see a story on the news where one of these things happened to someone, and I would think, "I hope that doesn't happen to me."
Now that I'm a parent, my fears have multiplied. If you're a parent, then you know what I'm afraid of. We're all afraid of the same thing. We want our children to be untouched by anything negative, by anything that can harm them. From burps to bullies to colds. And anything and everything else there is. I'm being honest, and I don't want to be. I want to be funny and witty in this post, but I just can't.
FDR said "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself." I always wonder when someone gives a speech and says something like this, do they know ahead of time that their words will be quoted and repeated throughout history. Did Roosevelt have any idea that this simple sentence would have such a lasting impression, and be twisted and turned in so ways, to be applicable to many different situations?
Thanks FDR, because this quote is liberating to me. I try hard not to waste my time on my fears. I try. I think if we live in fear, we miss out on life. And I don't want to miss anything.
My next post HAS to be witty.
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